それぞれの悼み・金鹿の学級 A Form of Grief (Golden Deer)
(騎士団長の部屋 昼)
Captain's Quarters | Daytime
ソティス: 1157年、花冠の節、5の日、晴れ。今日はあいつのために花を摘んで帰った。
おぬしには感慨深かろうが、わしは付き合うておられ……ぬ? 誰か来たぞ。
Sothis: "Day 5 of the Garland Moon. Year 1157. Clear skies. I picked some flowers for her and returned home."
"The look of joy on her face at the sight of these flowers will be even more beautiful than the flowers themselves…" Yeesh! That is enough.
His entries from before your birth are full of such romantic blatherings as that.
Oh… It must be deeply moving you to hear such things, but now is not the time for whimsy. Someone is here.
You do not wish for them to see you in this state. So pull yourself together!
クロード: 先生、やっぱりここにいたか。時化た面には違いないが……
Claude: I thought I might find you here, Teach.
Not the type to wallow in solitude, eh? That's a relief, let me tell you.
So… What were you reading?
Is that Jeralt's…
Choice 1: 日記 Diary.
クロード: なるほど、そのようだな。
Claude: So it is.
Choice 2: 恋文 Love letter.
クロード: 確かに、甘酸っぱい内容だが……それはジェラルトさんの日記か。
Claude: The contents are certainly bittersweet… But I think it's Jeralt's diary.
クロード: ……もしや、ジェラルトさんが修道院を出た辺りの話も書かれているのか?
Claude: Hey, maybe this has some entries from when Jeralt left the monastery.
クロード: そうか……。
あんたにとっても大切なもんだろうが、頼む! 俺に貸してくれ!
Claude: Is that so…
He was the captain of the knights, but something made him leave the monastery in a hurry.
If it has something to do with your birth, knowing what happened may get us closer to knowing what secrets the church is hiding…
Teach… Would you mind letting me read that diary?
I know how important it is to you, but I'm not asking lightly. Please, allow me to borrow it.
Choice 1: 貸す You may borrow it.
クロード: 恩に着るよ、先生! 断られたら夜中に忍び込まなきゃならなかったところだ。
Claude: I'm forever in your debt, Teach. If you'd refused, I would've had to sneak in here in the dead of night. I wasn't looking forward to that prospect.
Choice 2: 貸さない I won't allow it.
クロード: おいおい、俺に夜中に忍び込んでこっそり読めってことか?
あんたにとっても大切なもんだろうが、頼む! 俺に貸してくれ!
Claude: Wait, are you really saying I'm going to have to sneak in here in the dead of night to read it?
I know how important it is to you, but I'm not asking lightly. Please, allow me to borrow it.
クロード: 貸してくれた礼ってわけじゃないが……ここ最近の情勢を教えといてやろう。
Claude: Anyway, let me fill you in on what's been going on lately, and not just as thanks for pointing me to that diary.
Rhea dispatched the knights to various locations in a frantic search for the enemy.
There's a rumor that she's already secured some information. Something big is gonna happen soon.
クロード: もしも敵の居場所がわかったとして……あんたはどうするつもりだ?
Claude: That has me wondering… If you find out where the enemy is, what will you do about it?
If you ask, I… No, scratch that. All of us students would gladly lend a hand.
Even if it means going against Rhea's wishes. Don't forget it.
Now go. Everyone's worried about you. You'd better show them you're in good spirits.
(外郭都市 夜)
Outer City Wall | Evening
モニカ: ……タレス様が助けてくれるなんて、もーめっちゃ感激!
Monica: Oh, thank you. You saved me!
タレス: おぬしが死ねば、我らの身の神秘が暴かれる……それを防いだのみよ。
Thales: If you were to die, then the mystery of our bodies would be revealed. Preventing that was my only aim.
I'm afraid you must remain, Kronya. There is something I need you to do.
モニカ: もっちろーん。ソロンと協力してやるよー、任せといて!
Monica: Oh, of course. I am always happy to cooperate with Solon. Leave it to me.
炎帝: 煩い奴だ……。
Flame Emperor: How annoying.
タレス: おぬしには煩わしかったか、炎帝よ。目を離せぬのだから致し方あるまい。
Thales: Flame Emperor... Is she offending you? Unfortunately, we cannot take our eyes off her, so there is nothing to be done.
You are our greatest creation. We used the defiled beast's blood as the fuel to your flame, that you may burn even the gods.
Now is the time to cleanse Fódlan of that power, and bring forth our salvation.
炎帝: ダスカーで、アンヴァルで、惨たらしい行いを繰り返してきた貴様らに……
Flame Emperor: There will be no salvation for you and your kind.
Those responsible for such gruesome deeds in Duscur and Enbarr.
タレス: すべてはおぬしが力を得るためにやったことではないか。
Thales: All so that you may acquire the strength you need. All for a purpose...